Monday, July 7, 2008

There is funny...and well...

One thing that always has always been hysterical to me is how Ana can bring herself to tears laughing at, well...about anything. It's actually quite comical, especially for me, because she's got a beautiful smile, and these huge and cute dimples, and she's laughing, yet crying, and if you're with her at the time, you can't quite help but get caught up in the moment with her.

Now, here's where it's, well...not so funny. She's prone to have these 'fits' in public. Whether in the car, at dinner, or in a place where others, who don't know us mind you, are free to make their own observations of what's going on. Picture me: six foot two, two hundred pounds, sun-glasses, and probably look intimidating enough as it is if I'm not laughing let alone smiling. Then Ana: smaller than me by almost a foot, looking cute and innocent, and at this moment is in the passenger seat of the car, tearing up, and although she is laughing, she's in a state of breathing that looks like she is crying and upset.

Anyone in the cars next to us can look over, see me, see her, and of course come to the logical conclusion that this jerk next to her has obviously made her so upset that she's balling.

Or when we're at a restaurant, and it starts...and I'm telling her to stop...'people are going to think I'm breakin' up with you...' And that I should just get up and walk out. Why? Because THAT would be funny. But uhhh...that's not so funny.

Yes, the girls don't appreciate that. Don't ever take it over the limit and make a scene of what it's not. Besides a swift smack to the head, you could get a cold shoulder all-day-long.

So boys, love your woman. Keep her happy. Even when she looks sad, although she's outrageously happy at a moment in time, but the emotions are so much that tears stream down her face - go with it. Laugh along, smile and enjoy the moment with her.


christianne said...

okay, so this was absolutely sweet. totally tender. even though you're a guy and probably don't like hearing that. :)

i guess i just love hearing the way you see ana and truly know her. it touches me.

love to you both! i am missing you guys like crazy these days. when are you coming to florida??! :)

Momma Sue said...

I loved this post too! Cute pic of the two of you...though I'm sure it's not a recent one, as you both have hoodies or sweatshirts on. Can't imagine that would be comfortable in your 110+ heat! ugh

Missing you both sooo much, but thankful for these "updates" with what's going on in your world out there in Phoenix.


Momma Sue said...

P.S. Am I reading this correctly and my "favorites" link to your blog just didn't update itself daily....or is there a HUGE error on the posting date?

July 7th???

There's no way I missed this blog posting for THAT many days! I check it almost daily, Bob, and could say with almost certain conviction that it only appeared over the weekend. What's up with that?

(Cheater! You just want to LOOK like you're posting every week! ha)

: )

We are Bobby and Ana said...

Yea got me...I saved that post then edited it up and posted it last weekend...ha!

Momma Sue said...

I'm missing you guys. : (

Anonymous said...

i know those laughing fits! when you guys hit ATL...she'll need to take some advil for her cheeks from laughing so much!


Momma Sue said...


When are you going to do another update?!?! I keep checkin' back and checkin' back.... (sigh)
